Stavanger Business Region is run by the Department of economic development and international affairs in the city of Stavanger. Their task is to attract new talent, and to facilitate growth for new businesses in the region.

Our region is known for thriving under pressure. Over the course of the last 60 years, Stavanger has gone from the city of canned herring to the oil capital and, in more recent years, to the energy capital of Norway. Our startup ecosystem is expanding, and our number of new establishments is the second highest in the country.

50 years of oil and gas has provided us with a great deal of knowledge and given us a competitive advantage towards creating a more sustainable future. To be able to develop a more diverse economy, we need more sustainable businesses to establish themselves in our region. In 2021, the number of new companies in Stavanger hit an all-time high. Stavanger Business Region has made it their mission to nurture this trend.

“In the coming years, there will be several important societal challenges for us to solve. This requires us to think and cooperate in new ways. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to have meeting grounds where people can be linked with opportunities, and new ideas with workforce. Change requires action, and we need to be able to celebrate small victories along the way, and honor the small businesses, the people, and large established companies who truly make a difference for our region. That’s why I’m incredibly excited for Impact Awards 2024!” – Anne Woie, Stavanger kommune.

“In the coming years, there will be several important societal challenges for us to solve. This requires us to think and cooperate in new ways. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to have meeting grounds where people can be linked with opportunities, and new ideas with workforce. Change requires action, and we need to be able to celebrate small victories along the way, and honor the small businesses, the people, and large established companies who truly make a difference for our region. That’s why I’m incredibly excited for Impact Awards 2024!”

– Anne Woie, Stavanger kommune